1900 Census Ebersberger, John, Head, W, M, May 1851, 49, M, 24, Germany, Germany, Germany, 1891, 9, Pa, Laborer, yes, yes, yes, O, M, H. Translation: John was the head of his household. He was a white male born in Germany in May of 1851. He was 49 at the time of the census and was married for 24 years. He arrived in America in 1891 and had started first papers to be naturalized. He was a laborer and could read, write and speak English. He owned a mortgaged house. Naturalization Declaration: Declaration # 9658, Application date: 12 Oct. 1892, Born in Germany 185(4), Arrived New York April 1891 (see page Nat. Declarations) Crescens, wife, W, F, May, 1849, 51, M, 24, 8, 5, Germany, Germany, Germany, 1891,9, no, no, yes. (she could not read nor write)
Memorial card for Crescentia. It states that she was born in Vorderfirmiansreut, Bavaria Photo courtesy of Esther Ebersberger Langkau, 2002
Francis Ebersberger Wedding
Sebastian & Francis Children: ?, Frank, Therese, John, Edward, Joseph, Anna, Elizabeth Photos courtesy Christine Thomas Marriage Record Jungwirth, Sebastian
Ebersberger, Frances 30 Oct 1900 6 443
428 Naturalization Petition JUNGWIRTH, Sebastian 618 Dakota St., Oshkosh Laborer 20 Jan 1874 Schuedorf, Bohemia, Austria 6 Jun 1900 21 Jun 1900 Bremen - Balt. Roland 28 Oct 1908 #173 23 Sep 1911 239 Francis Ebersberger Jungwirth Bohemia, Austria; Oshkosh Franz 18 Apr 1901 Oshkosh; Oshkosh Theresia 6 Jul 1902 " " John 3 Jul 1903 " " Edward 5 Sep 1904 " " Josef 10 Nov 1905 " " Annie 18 Apr 1907 " " Elizabeth 26 Oct 1909 " " Herman Steckbauer, Merchant, 1044 6th St., Oshkosh Paul Balda, Laborer, 606 Dakota, Oshkosh
Marriage Record Ebersberger, John Weber, Martha 31 Oct 1904 7 229 409 Laborer; Bavaria Hungaria Oshkosh Ebersberger, John Sr. Galluni, Joseph Mathew Ebersberger Pritz, Crescence Galluni, Lena Mary Holzbauer Martha is listed here as a Weber. She was taken in by a Weber family as a maid and was brought to America by them. But she was not adopted by the Weber's.
Joined the convent as Sr. Blandina in 1904. She died March 3, 1906 from the white plague.
Marriage Record Hubertus, Joseph F. Ebersberger,
Katie 15 Feb 1904 7 168 47 Children: Joseph, Norbert
Mathius (2/24/1889-10/10/1937), Married 8/21/1922 per John Ebersberger. Children: Kathryn (1923-1932), Esther, Matt Jr.
Photo courtesy of John Ebersberger.