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Joseph Jr.

Joseph at Stockwethers factory 1910

Joseph, John, Mary, frank

John W. family

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John and Katherine Winkelbauer Schiessl Wedding

Mr. and Mrs. Katherine Winkelbauer Troiber

Mary and John

Mary 1933

Mary and girls from Oshkosh B'Gosh

Mary and girls from Oshkosh B'Gosh

Mary W. in O'Laughlin wedding

Mary and unknown

Mary W. in wedding of unknown

 Joseph, John, Mary, Therese, Frank

Frank WW I

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Frank and Maxine

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Frank Winkelbauer Tombstone

Engelbert Winkelbauer and Jiricka wedding

John and Anna from St. Paul, MN

John W. family St. Paul, MN

John, Anna, Jacob, Alois, Elisabeth, John, Joseph

Winkelbauer and Literski wedding St. Paul, MN

Anna W. daughter of Engelbert, married a Rothe




See more photos by Therese taken in 1922

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