BOHEMIA RESEARCHED NAMES Until I can process the information it will be stored here. The results of research from the Trebon archives in Bohemia.
Original transcriptions research KINDERMANN 2001-01-24
The most interesting part: your surname was changed in 1771 from Kindermacher (children maker) to Kindermann (children-man). This is a fact. All families with this surname in the parish Salnau got an other surname in 1771. 1784 was a main year in genealogy. Josef II made a lot of new parishes - the reason was, that everybody shouldn’t need more than 1 hour walk to "his" church, for a mass.
Here you have the following villages: In German and Czech: First Parish Village and then the villages that belong to that parish Oberhaid Zbytiny All records are found in the regional archives of TREBON in southern Bohemia. You also have ancestors in Bavaria. Here an archives exists (in Passau), but not a central archives; that means, that some records are in the archives, some are in the parishes. But this would be a possible second step, and we can discuss this point later. Some records should be viewed, for example Wallern and Ober Plan and Zbytiny, and some other parishes around. Records of Höritz begin in 1741 - so no additional ancestors can be researched in this parish. Possible some records in Bohemia can be found after the view in Bavaria - this can make it a little bit complicated. First you will find the original transcriptions in German and Latin, and then the translation into English. My comments are in italic print. Please, note, that the format of the date is DDMMYYYY! ancestor parish
birth/marriage/death book/page
8 Pekna birth 2/127 May 5th, 1867 born and baptized 8/* sister of Johann Nepomuk Kindermann in Pekna Albina * 18.11.1864
9 Zelnava birth 10/61 January 12th 9/* some siblings of Eleonora Kellermann in Zelnava Alois * 05.09.1871
10 Zelnava birth 9/127 June 5th born
10/* some siblings of Josef Winkelbauer in Zelnava Johann * 18.04.1858
16 Pekna birth 2/1 March 6 (born and baptised) 1864 9 Mai marriage
On Mai 9th There was no marriage to find between a Johann Jungwirth and
17 Zelnava birth 7/99
April 17th born and baptized
18 Zelnava birth 7/64 1.12.1832 1ten Dezember geboren und getaufft Uhlichsthal Nro. 12 * Aloys V Johann Kellerman Häußler M Anna Maria, Tochter des Jakob Schneider Häusßler in Guthäuseln Nro. 12 und der Eva geborne Körnin von Bayern P Philipp Schönberger Theresia Häußlerin Uhlichsthal
december 1st born and baptised Uhligsthal 12 * Alois father: Johann Kellermann smallfarmer mother: Anna maria, daughter of Jakob Schneider, smallfarmer in Guthäuser nr. 12 and his wife Eva nee Körn from Bavaria godfather: Philipp Schönberger and Theresia, smallfarmer in Uhligsthal
18/* siblings of Alois Kellermann in Zelnava Theresia * 06.02.1824 Philipp * 25.03.1826 Josef * 28.02.1828
18-19 Pekna marriage 5/67 27.4.1869 Uhligsthal N: 12 Alois Kellermann, angehender Bleiber in Uhligsthal 12 ehel. Sohn des Johann Kellermann, Häuslers in Uhligsthal 12 und dessen + Ehegattin Anna geb. Schneider aus Guthausen N 12 37 Jahre ledig * 1.12.1832 in Salnau Altrichterwald 12 Maria Anna Philipp, ehel. Tochter des Mathias Philipp Häuslers in Altrichterwald N. 12 und dessen + Ehegattin Johanna geb. Koller aus Hüttenhof N. 36 * 9.8.1838 in Wallern
Uhligsthal 12 Alois Kellermann, coming farmer in Uhligsthal 12, legal son of Johann Kellermann, smallfarmer in Uhligsthal 12 and his dead wife Anna nee Schneider from Guthausen 12 37 years of age, not married Altrichterwald 12 Maria Anna Philipp. legal daughter of Mathias Philipp smallfarmer in Altrichterwald 12 and his dead wife Johanna nee Koller from Hüttenhof 36
19 I did not check the records, but I assume, that Altrichterwald is in the parish of Wallern.
20 Zelnava birth 6/109 10.2.1824 10 Februar geboren und getauft Hirschberg Nr. 34 * Raymund V Johann Winkelbauer Häußler M Maria Anna Tochter des Andreas Groß Häusler in Habersdorf Nr. 4 und der Theresia geborne P Bair Theresia Schneiderin.
February 10th born and baptised Hirschbergen 34 * Raimund father: Johann Winkelbauer smallfarmer mother: Maria Anna, daughter of Andreas Groß, smallfarmer in Habersdorf 4 and his wife Theresia nee _____ godfather: Theresia Bair, tailor
20-21 Zelnava marriage 14/135 11.8.1857 Am 11ten August 1857 Hirschberg Nro. 17/3 Raimund Winkelbauer, angehender Häusler in Hirschberg N 17, ehelicher Sohn des Johann Winkelbauer Häuslers in Hirschberg 17, und der Maria Anna gebornen Groß aus Habersdorf Nro. 4 33 Jahre ledig Theresia Schlorhauferin, eheliche Tochter des Paul Schlorhaufer Häußlers in Hirschberg Nr. 3 und der Maria Anna gebornen Schinko aus Hirschberg Nro. 6 31 Jahre ledig
On August 11th, 1857 Hirschberg 17 and Hirschberg 3 Raimund Winkelbauer, coming smallfarmer in Hirschberg 17, legal son of Johann Winkelbauer, smallfarmer in Hirschberg 17 and his wife Maria Anna nee Groß from Habersdorf 4 33 years of age, not married Theresia Schlorhaufer, legal daughter of Paul Schlorhaufer, smallfarmer in Hirschbergen 3 and his wife Maria Anna nee Schinko from Hirschbergen 6 31 years of age, not married
21 Zelnava birth 6/149 13.10.1826 13 October geboren und getauft Hirschberg N: 20 * Theresia V Paul Schlorhaufer Häußler M Maria Anna Tochter des Anton Schinko Häußler in Hirschberg Nro. 23 und der Elisabeth geborne Bernhard aus Hirschberg N: 5 P Klara Bernhardin und Jakob
On October 13th born and baptised Hirschberg 20 * Theresia father: Paul Schlorhaufer, smallfarmer mother: Maria Anna daughter of Anton Schinko, smallfarmer in Hirschberg 23 and his wife Elisabeth nee Bernhard from Hirschberg 5 godfather: Klara Bernhard and Jakob
We will see, that the surname of the mother of the mother is wrong and not Bernhard, but Jungwirth. Possible the priest made the mistake because the godfather.
21/* sister of Theresia Schlorhaufer in Zelnava Maria Anna * 15.01.1824
33 Pekna birth 1/29 6.9.1812 Den 6 September Schönau Nro. 13 * Maria V Ignatz Kinderman Bauer M Elisabeth des Martin Kurz Häuslers und der Katharina gebohrnen Bayrin Tochter von Neuhäußern Nro. ___ P Andreas Reischl Bauer
On September 6th Schönau 13 * Maria father: Ignaz Kindermann, farmer mother: Elisabeth, legal daughter of Martin Kurz, smallfarmer and his wife Katharina nee Bayr, daughter from Neuhäuser Nr. ___ godfather: Andreas Reischl, farmer
35 Zelnava birth 6/35 18.9.1817 September 18 geboren und getauft Hintring Nro. 10 * Agnes V Franz Jungwirth Innmann M Elisabeth Tochter des Leonhard Jungwirth Häußler in Humwald Nro. 7 und der Magdalena geborne Janin von Humwald Nro. ___ P Elisabeth Millnerin und Jakob
September 18th born and baptised Hintring 10 * Agnes father: Franz Jungwirth, tenant mother: Elisabeth, daughter of Leonhard Jungwirth, smallfarmer in Humwald 7 and his wife Magdalena nee Jani from Hunwald Nro. ___ godfather: Elisabeth Millner and Jakob
35/* siblings of Agnes Jungwirth in Zelnava Elisabeth * 08.09.1803 Wenzel * 07.06.1806 Michael * 02.09.1808 Maria * 28.06.1811 Jakob * 28.02.1813
36-37 Ceske Zleby marriage 3/5 4.2.1823 1823 den 4ten Feber Schönberg 20 Johannes Kellermann Holzhacker Häusler in Uhligsthal 22 Jahre ledig V: Raimund Guthausen N: 12 Anna Maria ehl. Tochter des Jackob Schneider Häusler in Guthausen Mutter Eva Maria gebohrne Köthn von Riedelsbach in Neubayern 25 Jahre ledig
On Februar 4th Schönberg 20 Johann Kellermann, berjack and smallfarmer in Uhligsthal 22 years of age, not married his father: Raimund Guthausen 12 Anna Maria legal daughter of Jakob Schneider, smallfarmer in Guthausen mother: Eva Maria nee Köthn from Riedelsbach in Newbavaria 25 years of age, not married
The birth of Johann Kellermann couldnt be found in the records of Zelnava. The birth of Anna Maria Schneider couldn’t be found in the records of Ceske Zleby and Volary. But this was only a short check because of no time!
40 Zelnava birth 5/32 27.12.1803 Den 27 December Hirschberg * Johannes V Thomas WinklBaur Kanalhäusler M Agnes des Wenzl Miller Inmanns in Salnau N: 22 Tochter P Johann Jungwirth Kanalhäusler in Habersdorf
December 27th Hirschberg * Johann father: Thomas Winkelbauer, smallfarmer mother: Agnes legal daughter of Wenzel Miller, tenant in Salnau 22 godfather: Johann Jungwirth, smallfarmer in Habersdorf
40-41 Zelnava marriage 14/14 30.4.1823 Am 30 April Hirschberg nro. 34 Johann Winkelbauer Häußler, Sohn des Thomas Winkelbauer Häußler in Hirschberg Nro. 34 und der Agnes geborne 20 jahre ledig Maria Anna Tochter des Andreas groß Häußler in Habersdorf Nr. 4 und der Theresia grafin von Heinhard in Bayern Nro. 22 Jahre ledig
on April 30th Hirschberg Nro. 34 Johann Winkelbauer, smallfarmer, legal son of Thomas Winkelbauer, small farmer in Hirschbergen 34 and his wife Agnes nee ___- 20 years of age, not married Maria Anna, daughter of Andreas Groß, smallfarmer in Habersdorf 4 and his wife Theresia nee Graf from Heinhard in Bavaria Nro. ___ 22 years of age, not married
41 Zelnava birth 5/7 16.7.1797 Den 16 July * Marianna Habersdorf V Andreas Groß Kanalhäusler M Theresia des Johann graf Inmanns zu Hinterfreudorf im Passauischen P Valentin Ede
On July 16th * Maria Anna Habersdorf father: Andreas Groß, smallfarmer mother: Theresia legal daughter of Johann Graf, tenant from Hinterfreundorf in Passau godfather: Valentin Ede
As said at her birth, she should be born in 1801, but she is born in 1797.
41/* siblings of Maria Anna Groß in Zelnava Valentin * 01.11.1799 Valentin * 16.07.1801 Theresia * 08.11.1803 Josef * 30.08.1805 Jakob * 08.06.1808 Barbara * 20.01.1811
At the birth of Barbara we have the following information about the mother: Theresia Tochter des Johann graf von Hinterfreuendorf aus Bisthum Passau und der Anna Maria geb. Madler.
42 Zelnava birth 5/27 21.6.1802 Den 21 Junii Hirschbergen * Paul V Michl Schlarhaufl Kanalhäusler M Katharina des Matthias Pendele Inmanns Tochter aus Baiern P Bernhard Gruber Kanalhäusler in Rafflwald.
Juni 21 Hirschbergen * Paul father: Michael Schlarhaufer, smallfarmer mother: Katharina, legal daughter of Mathias Pendel, tenant from Bavaria godfather: Bernhard Gruber, smallfarmer in Rafflwald
42/* siblings of Paul Schlafhaufer in Zelnava Mathias * 13.09.1795 Johann * 21.05.1797
42-43 Zelnava marriage 14/13 4.2.1823 am 4 Februar Hirschberg N: 20 Paul Schlarhaufer Häußler in Hirschberg Sohn des Michael Schlarhaufer Holzhauer in Hirschberg 20 und der Katharina gebornen pendelin von glüngenbaum Nro ___ in Bayern 21 Jahre ledig * 21.6.1802 in Hirschberg Maria uneheliche Tochter der Elisabeth Jungwirthin von Neuofen Nro. 43 23 Jahre ledig * 12.2.1798
February 4th Hirschberg 20 Paul Schlafhaufer, smallfarmer in Hirschberg, legal son of Michael Schlarhaufer, berjak in Hirschberg 20 and his wife Katharina nee Pendel from glüngelbaum Nro. ___ in Bavaria 21 years of age, not married * 21.6.1802 in Hirschbergen Maria, illegimate daughter of Elisabeth Jungwirth in Neuhofen 43 23 years of age, not married
Anton Schinko, the father of Maria Jungwirth, married 5 months after the birth of Maria Anna Maria Leitmiller. His first wife Maria nee Leitmiller died on 12.10.1809. And so he could marry the mother of his illegitimate daughter, Maria Jungwirth - see the records below.
43 Zelnava birth 5/10 12.2.1798 Den 12 Feb. Nr. 63 Neuofen * Marianna V M Elisabetha des Karl Jungwirth Inmanns ehl. Tochter P Lorenz Jungbaur Margaretha
February 12th Neuhofen 63 * Marianna father mother: Elisabeth, legal daughter of Karl Jungwirth, tenant godfather: Lorenz Jungbauer and Margaretha his wife
66 Zelnava birth 2/140 31.7.1741 Schönau * Ignatius Parentes Constantinus Kindermacher rusticus in Schenau et Ludmilla uxor Levantibus Antonius Meindl incolae in grienberg Maria uxor sua
July 31st. Schönau * Ignaz Parents: Konstantin Kindermacher, farmer in Schönau and his wife Ludmilla godfather: Anton Meindl, tenant in Grünberg and his wife Maria
66-67 Pekna marriage 4/7 9.10.1811 1811 den 9 Oktober Nr. 13 Ignatz Kindermann Bauer 70 Jahre Witwer Elisabetha des Martin Kurz Häuslers und der Katharina gebohrnen Bayrin Tochter von Neuhäusern Nro. ___ 40 Jahre ledig
October 9th Nr. 13 Ignaz Kindermann, farmer 70 years of age, widower Elisabeth, legal daughter of Martin Kurz, smallfarmer and his wife Katharina nee Bayr, daughter from Neuhäuser Nro. ___ 40 years of age, not married
such high ages happened. It was a social problem to marry.
66-1. marriage Zelnava marriage 3/6 23.10.1774 23. Honestus adolescens Ignatius Kinderman rusticus in Schönau et honesta Theresia Siegerin ex Gassauensi althütten subditi. Schönau N: 13
23rd. honest young man Ignaz Kindermann, farmer in Schönau, and honest Theresia Sieger from Gassau, dominion Althütten Schönau 13
67 I could not find the birth record of Elisabeth Kurz.
70 Zelnava birth 3/71 21.11.1781 21. Hintring 5 * Franciscus Parentes Jungwirth Simon inquil. uxor Maria sub. dom. de Schwarzb. Lev: Pauls Payer invalidt in Salnau
21st. Hintring 5 * Franz Parents Simon Jungwirth, tenant, and his wife Maria, dominion Schwarzenberg godfather: Paul Payer, soldier in Salnau
70-71 Zelnava marriage 13/71 2.5.1803 1803 am 2 Maj Hintring N: 6 Franz Jungwirth Dienstknecht 21 Jahre ledig Elisabeth des Leonard Jungwirth Häusler in Humwald ehl. Zochter N: 6 21 Jahre ledig
May 2nd Hintring 6 Franz Jungwirth, tenant 21 years or age, not married Elisabeth, legal son of Leonhard Jungwirth, smallfarmer in Humwald 6 21 years of age, not married
This marriage happened only 4 months before the first child was born........
71 I could not find the birth record of Elisabeth Jungwirth in the parish of Pekna, also no siblings; so I assume, that the family lived in an other parish.
80-81 Zelnava marriage 13/6 30.6.1802 Den 30 Junii Hirschbergen Thomas Winglbauer Kanalhäusler 38 Jahre Witwer Agnes des Wenzl Millner Ihnmanns in Salnau Tochter N: 21 36 Jahre, ledig
On June 30th Hirschbergen Thomas Winkelbauer, smallfarmer 38 years of age, widower Agnes, legal daughter of Wenzel Millner, tenant in Salnau 21 36 years of age, not married
I could not find Thomas Winklbauers first marriage in Zelnava. But I had no additional time to check this exactly!
81 Zelnava birth 2/305 4.1.1765 Die 4 baptizata est Agnes legitima filia Wenceslai Milner babulci Salnaviae et Christinae conjugum
On 4th was baptised Agnes, legal daughter of Wenzel Milner, smallfarmer in Salnau and his wife Christina
82-83 Zelnava marriage 13/4 14.9.1795 Den 14ten September Andreas Groß Holzhaker in der Tiefenau 24 Jahre ledig Theresia Grafin Inmannstochter von Hinterfreudendorf im Passauerischen 24 Jahre ledig
on September 14th Andreas Groß, berjack in Tiefenau 24 years of age, not married Theresia Graf, daughter of a tenant from Hinterfreudendorf in Passau 24 years of age, not married
I could not find any village with the name Tiefenau in Bohemia, but also not in the near Germany. There is a Tiefenau in Saxony, but I really don’t believe that this is the correct one!
83/** possible half siblings of Theresia Graf in Zelnava Klara * 31.05.1797 Anton * 11.08.1799
The address was Hirschberg 22, the mother was named Agnes Waschinger, daughter of Georg Waschinger from Bisthum Passau. I did not have time to check this exactly. I assume, that Johann Graf, father of Theresia Graf, came also to Hirschberg, parish Zelnava in Bohemia. But again: this is only an assumption and should be checked.
84-85 It is to assume, that the marriage happened in Bavaria. But I could not find any village with the name Glüngenbaum (=Klingenbaum?).
86 I did not have time to check the birth record of Anton Schinko, who is possible born in the parish of Zelnava.
86-1. marriage Zelnava marriage 16.7.1798 Anton Schinko Kanalhäusler in Hirschbergen 43 Jahre ledig Maria Leitmillnerin BauersTochter aus Kuplenz Kloster Hohenfurth. Unterth. 40 Jahre ledig
Anton Schinko, smallfarmer in Hirschbrgen 43 years of age, not married Maria Leitmillner, farmersdaughter from Kuplenz, dominion Hohenfurth (Vyssi Brod) 40 years of age, not married
86-87 Zelnava marriage 13/38 9.1.1810 1810 Jenner den 9ten Pergfried N: 5 Anton Schinko Kanalhäusler in Hirschbergen Nro. 23 55 Jahre Witwer Elisabeth, ehel. Tochter des Karl Jungwirth Inwohners in Parkfried 5 38 Jahre ledig
On January 9th Parkfried 5 Anton Schinko, smallfarmer in Hirschbergen 23 55 years of age, widower Elisabeth, legal daughter of Karl Jungwirth tenant in Parkfried 5 38 years of age, not married
87 I could NOT find the birth record of Elisabeth Jungwirth in the parish of Zelnava, and also no siblings.
132/* I couldn’t find Konstantin Kindermacher´s birth record, but some of his siblings: Philipp * 27.04.1704 Agnes * 22.01.1707 Stanislaus * 07.05.1712
132-133 Zelnava marriage 2/46 25.11.1737 25 9br. constantinus Thomae Kindermacher rustici in Schenau, legit filius, cum virgine Sybilla Aegidi Fischer in Schätzenberg rustici legitima filia.
On November 25th married Konstantin, legal son of farmer Thomas Kindermann in Schönau, with virgin Sybilla, legal daughter of Ägid Fischer farmer in Schätzenberg.
The first name of the fiancée was written wrong: Sibilla instead of Ludmilla. The birth record shows the right name.
132-2. marriage Zelnava marriage 2/68 13.11.1746 13 Novembris copulatus est Constantinus Kindermacher rusticus et viduus in Schenau cum Anna virgine post mortem Bernardis jungwürth in pago Spitzenberg rustici legitima filia relicta.
on November 13th married Konstantin Kindermacher, farmer and widower in Schönau, with Anna, virgin, legal daughter of just dead Bernhard Jungwirth in village Spitzenberg.
133 Zelnava birth 1/210 19.9.1707 * Ludmilla 19. Baptizata est filia legitima Aegidi Fischer ex Spitzenberg, Matris Vero Christina. Levans Zusanna Hoffmann
On 19th * Ludmilla was baptised as a legal daughter of Ägid Fischer from Spitzenberg, mother was named Christina. Godfather Susanna Hoffmann
133/* siblings of Ludmilla Fischer in Zelnava Luzilla * 30.11.1713 Agnes * 04.01.1717
133 Zelnava death 2/55 3.10.1746 3tia Ejusdem Ludmilla Kindermacherin rustica in Schenau ombinus Sacramentis uterque provisa Annoru 37.
On 3rd died Ludmilla Kindermacher, farmer in Schönau, about 37 years of age.
134-135 Zelnava marriage 2/137 27.4.1766 Die 27 Aprilis contraxit matrimonium per verba de prsenti Martinus Kurtz viduus ex pago Schnedorf cum sponsa sua Catharina filia Laurentii Pair gazarius ex Humwold dominio Schwarzenbergensis.
On April 27th married Martin Kurz, widower from village Schneedorf, with Katharina, legal daughter of Lorenz Payr, dayworker in Humwald dominion Schwarzenberg
134-1. marriage I assume, that this marriage is to find in the parish Volary.
135/* siblings of Katharina Bayr in Zelnava Mathäus * 16.09.1744 Maria * 11.02.1746
140 Zelnava birth 2/126 1.6.1743 1ma Juny Simon Parentes + Henricus Jungwürth pastor in Hintring et Luciae uxor. Levans Jacobus Kindermacher rusticus ibidem.
On June 1st * Simon parents: dead Heinrich Jungwirth, shepard in Hintring, and his wife Luzia godfather: Jakob Kindermacher, farmer here
140-141 Zelnava marriage 2/146 28.8.1768 Eodem die contraxit matrimonium per verba de praesenti Simon Jungwirth ex Hintering oriundus cum sponsa sua Maria Ewerthin ex Schenau oriunda.
On the same day married Simon Jungwirth from Hintring, with Maria Ewerth from Schönau
141 Zelnava birth 2/134 9.3.1746 9 Maria Parentes Andreas Ewerth Inwuilinus in Schenau et Maria uxor Levans Sabina cum Clemens Reischl.
On 9th * Maria parents: Andreas Ewerth, tenant in Schönau, and his wife Maria godfather: Sabina wife of Klemens Reischl
142 Zelnava birth 2/222 24.10.1756 Die 24 Oct. baptizavi infantem hodie natum Adalbertus Jungwirth Casari in Humwald et Clarae conjugum nomen infantem Leonhardus. Levans fuit Henrici Sager.
On october 24th was baptised a child and born today, of Adalbert Jungwirth dayworker in Humwald and his wife Klara, and name was given Leonhard godfather: Heinrich Sager
142-143 Zelnava marriage 3/17 17.5.1778 17 honestus adolescens Leonardus Jungwirth gazarius in Humwald sponsus Magdalena Janin ex Humwald sponsa Humwald 7
on 17th married honest Leonhard Jungwirth, dayworker from Humwald, Magdalena Jani from Humwald Humwald 7
143 Zelnava birth 2/227 23.5.1757 Die 23 Maji baptizavi infantem hodie natum patre Andrea Jani judice ex Casis Humwalt, Matre Maria cui nomen Magdalena Levans Regina Sagerin
On May 23rd baptised child and born today. father Andreas Jani, lawyer from village Humwald, and mother Maria, child was named Magdalena godfatehr: Regina Sager
162 Zelnava birth 2/101 28.2.1734 28 Wenceslaus Parentes Joannes Milner inquilinus in Pargfrid cum suae uxore Konigunda patrini Gregorius Paur rusticus in Selnau
On 28th * Wenzel parents: Johann Milner, tenant in Parkfried, and his wife Kunigunde godfather: Gregor Bauer, farmer in Selnau
162-163 Zelnava marriage 2/98 20.2.1757 Die 20 Febr: Wenceslaeum coelibe post mortem Joannis Millner rustici ex pago Salnau relictum legitimum filium et sponsam illius Christinam Wenceslaum Ilg caesarius ex neüofen legitima filia.
On February 20th Wenzel, legal son of dead Johann Millner, farmer from village Salnau, and Christina, legal daughter of Wenzel Ilg, dayworker from Neuhofen.
163 Zelnava birth 2/85 25.5.1731 25 Christina des Wentzel Ilg von Neuofen undt Agnes seines Weibs ehel. Tochter. Patrini Joseph Sturani
On 25th * Christina legal daughter of Wenzel Ilg from Neuhofen and his wife Agnes godfather: Josef Sturani
174 Zelnava birth 2/137 4.11.1746 4ta Novemb. Karolus Parentes Matthias Jungwürth rusticus hujatis et Eleonora. Levans Adalbertus Müller in Sonberg rusticus.
On November 4th * Karl parents: Mathias Jungwirth, farmer here, and his wife Eleonora godfather: Adalbert Müller from Sonnberg, farmer
174-175 Zelnava marriage 2/130 27.1.1765 Die 27 January contraxit matrimonium Carolus post mortem defuncti Matthiae Jungwirth inquilini in pargfrid cum sponsa sua Rosina filia Matthiae Pinigkernin ex Schenau.
On January 27th married Karl, legal son of dead Mathias Jungwirth, tenant in Parkfried, with wife Rosina, legal daughter of Mathias Pinigkern from Schönau
264 Zelnava birth 1/38 17.12.1671 17. hujus baptizatus Thomas parentes Blasius Kindermacher uxor Sara. patrinus Melchiar Zach
on 17th was born Thomas parents: Blasius Kindermacher and his wife Sara godfather: Melchior Zach
264/* siblings of Thomas Kindermacher in Zelnava Justina * 26.09.1670 Paul * 22.01.1674 Juliana * 12.02.1677 Norbert * 06.06.1684
264-265 Zelnava marriage 1/94 20.6.1703 20 copulatus è Thomas Blasy Kindermacher, et Sarae uxoris eius legitimus filius ex pago Schönau, cum Anna Simonis Spanbaur et Evae uxoris ejus legitima filia ex pago eodem.
On 20th married Thomas legal son of Blasius and Sara Kindermacher from village Schönau, with Anna, legal daughter of Simon Spanbauer and Eva his wife from the same village.
265 Zelnava birth 1/28 21.6.1669 21 baptizata è Anna parentes ex Simon Spanpaur Vxor Eva patrina Anna uterqu…….
On 21st was baptised Anna parentes are Simon Spannbauer and his wife Eva godfather: Anna ………
265/* siblings of Anna Spanbauer in Zelnava Georg * 21.04.1668 Ambros * 31.03.1672 Adalbert * 23.04.1676 Raimund * 09.02.1680
266 Zelnava birth 1/36 29.8.1671 29 hujus baptisatus é Aegidius parentes Michael Fischer uxor Margarita patrinus Sebastianus Jungwirth
On 29th was baptised Ägid parents Michael Fischer and his wife Margaretha godfather: Sebastian Jungwirth
266/* siblings of Ägid Fischer in Zelnava Juliana * 13.02.1666 Christoph * ??.01.1667 Christina * ??.01.1667 Sebastian * 04.06.1669
266-267 Zelnava marriage 1/66 24.1.1691 24 dispensati copulatus est Aegidius Solutus et flus legitimus Michaelis Fischer in Spizbergen rustici iam mortui et Margarethae vxoris adhuc vivis cum Christina soluta et fla legitima Georgy Sturane rustici ibidem et Agnetis uxoris suae.
On January 24th married Ägid, not married legal son of Michael Fischer from Spitzbergen, farmer and dead, and his still alive wife Margaretha, with Christina, legal and not married daughter of Georg Sturane, farmer in the same village, and his wife Agnes.
267/* siblings of Christina Sturane in Zelnava Thomas * 07.12.1669 Johann * 04.05.1675 Katharina * 20.04.1678 Thomas * 18.12.1680 Hironimus * 30.09.1683
270 Zelnava birth 1/192 27.7.1704 27 Baptizatus è Laurentius Gregory Payr, et Mariae ex Humbwald legitimus filius, Levans Bernardus Mauriz, et Agnes uxor eius ex pago Hindtring.
On 27th was baptised Lorenz, legal son of Gregor Payr and Maria his wife from Humwald. Godfather Bernhard Mauritz, and his wife Agnes from village Hintring
270-271 Zelnava marriage 2/20 16.11.1730 16 ist copuliret worden ohne alle Dispensation Lorentz des Gregorius Payr von Chumwoldt Ehel. Sohn, mit der Vrsula des mathiae Meindl von Grienberg Ehl. Tochter.
On 16th married without any difficulties Lorenz, legal son of Gregor Payr from Humwald, with Ursula, legal daughter of Mathias Meindl from Grünberg.
271 Zelnava birth 1/197 9.10.1705 9. Baptizata é Vrsula Mathiae Maindl et Ursulae uxoris ejus legitima filia ex Grünberg. Levans Sebastianus Fridel, et regina uxor eius ex pago Salnau.
On 9th was baptised Ursula, legal daughter of Mathias Maindl and his wife Ursula from Grünberg. godfather: Sebastian Fridel, and his wife Regina from village Salnau
280 Zelnava birth 1/233 13.7.1712 13 Baptizatus est Henricus filius legitimus Adami Jungwirth ex Sellnaw, matris vero Helena Levans Valentinus Jungwirth
On 13th was baptised Heinrich, legal son of Adam Jungwirth from Salnau, mother was named Magdalena. godfather: Valentin Jungwirth
280-281 Zelnava marriage 2/51 14.8.1740 14 Augusti copulatus est Henricus filius Adami Jungwirth Inquilinus hujatis cum Lucia post mortem Andreae Jungwürth in pago Schenau rustici quondam filia legitima.
On August 14th married Heinrich, legal son of Adam Jungwirth, tenant here with Luzia, legal daughter of dead Andreas Jungwirth from village Schönau farmer.
281 Zelnava birth 1/269 21.5.1719 21 ist getauft wordten Lucia, eheleibliche Tochter des Andreas Jungwirth von Schenau, Maria seiner Haußfrau gevattersleith Jacob Müllner von Hindring
On 21st is baptised Luzia, legal daughter of Andreas Jungwirth from Schönau, and Maria his wife. godfather Jakob Müllner from Hintring
282-283 Zelnava marriage 2/61 22.10.1743 22 Octobris copulatus est Andreas Simonis Ewerth in Schweinetschlag Oberhaydensis filiolus, cum Maria Thomae Matschy in pago Schenau legit filia.
On October 22nd married Andreas, legal son of Simon Ewerth from Schweinetschlag parish Oberhaid, with Maria, legal daughter of Thomas Matschy from village Schönau
283 Zelnava birth 1/230 19.8.1711 19 Baptizata est Maria, filia legitima Thomae Mattschi ex Schenau, matris vero Luciae Levans Andreas Jungwirth.
On 19th baptised Maria, legal daughter of Thomas Mattschi from Schönau, mother was named Luzia. godfather: Andreas Jungwirth
283/* siblings of Maria Mattschi in Zelnava Agnes * 08.01.1708 Justina * 22.09.1714 Peter * 18.05.1718 Jakob * 22.07.1721 Magdalena * 22.07.1721
284 Zelnava birth 1/218 20.4.1709 20 Baptizatus est Adalbertus filius illegitimus Leonardi Jungwirth ex Humbaldt matris vero Agnetis Levans Thomas Reischl ex Schenau.
On 20th baptised Adalbert, illegitimate son of Leonhard Jungwirth from Humwald. mother was named Agnes. godfather: Thomas Reischl from Schönau
284-285 Zelnava marriage 2/86 21.5.1753 21 Mayi copulatus est in 3tia et 4tia Adalbertus Jungwürth viduus et incola ex pago Humwald, cum virgine Clara post mortuum Wenceslai Meindl ibidem incolae relicta filia legitima
On May 21st married in 3rd and 4th degree Adalbert Jungwirth, widower and inhabitant in village Humwald, with virgin Klara, legal daughter of dead Wenzel Meindl, tenant in the same village
284-2. marriage Zelnava marriage 2/67 4.7.1746 4 July copulatus est Adalbertus jungwürth viduus in pago Pargfried cum virgine justina Thomae Matschy in pago Schenau inquilini legit filia.
On July 4th married Adalbert Jungwirth, widower from village Parkfried, with virgin Justina, legal daughter of Thomas Matschy from village Schönau
284-1. marriage Zelnava marriage 2/53 22.1.1741 22 January copulatus est Adalbertus Leonardi Jungwürth Incolae in Humwald legitimus filius cum Apollonia Adalberti Piniskhern rustici in Schenau legitima filia
On January 22nd married Adalbert, legal son of Leonhard Jungwirth, tenant in Humwald, with Apollonia, legal daughter of Adalbert Piniskern farmer from Schönau
285 Zelnava birth 2/16 7.8.1727 Den 7 Clara des Wenzel Maindl undt Gertraudt seine Haußfrau von Humwaldt ehl. Tochter Patrinus Martin Heidinger mit seinen Weib Agatha von dorf Hindring.
On 7th was baptised Klara, legal daughter of Wenzel Meindl and Gertrud his wife from Humwald. godfather: Martin Heidinger and his wife Agatha from village Hintring
286 Zelnava birth 1/226 27.11.1710 Andreas 27 baptisatus est Andreas filius legitimus Blasy Jane ex Sallnau, Matris vero Mariae Levans Franciscus Millner ex Sonnberg
On 27th baptised Andreas, legal son of Blasius Jane from Salnau, mother was named Maria. godfather Franz Millner from Sonnberg
286-287 Zelnava marriage 2/49 26.4.1739 26 Aprilis copulatus est Andreas Jany filius legitimus Blasy Jani rustici in hujatis legitimus cum Maria Adalberti Spanbaur Incolae in Humwald legitima filia
On April 26th married Andreas Jany, legal son of Blasius Jani, farmer here with Maria, legal daughter of Adalbert Spanbauer, tenant in Humwald.
287 Zelnava birth 1/239 14.8.1713 14 baptisata est Maria filia legitima Alberti Spanbaur ex Humbwalth, Matris Vero Evae Levans Albertus Piniskern ex Schenau.
On 14th was baptised Maria, legal daughter of Adalbert Spanbauer from Humwald, mother was named Eva. godfather: Albert Piniskern from Schönau
324 Zelnava birth 1/- 5.6.1686 5 Juny Baptizatus è Joes flus legitimus Joes Millner rustici zu Söllnau et Christinae uxoris suae compatrem egit Sebastiano Czecho inquilinus ibidem.
On June 5th was baptised Johann, legal son of Johann Millner, farmer in Salnau, and his wife Christina. godfather was Sebastian Czecho, tenant in the same village
324-325 Zelnava marriage 1/127 2.2.1723 2 ist copuliret worden Joannis müllner, deß Joannis Müllner seeligen alhier, eheleibl. Sohn, mit Cunegunda deß Caspari Raschko von Pargfridt ehelich Tochter
On 2nd married Johann Müllner, legal son of dead Johann Müllner here, with Kunigunde, legal daughter of Kaspar Raschko from Parkfried.
325 Zelnava birth 1/156 24.2.1696 24 Baptizata é Kunigunda, Caspari Rasko et Mariae uxoris ejus filia legitima ex pago Pargfridt compatrem egit Adam Studeneer,
On 24th baptised Kunigunde, legal daughter of Kaspar Raschko and his wife Maria from village Parkfried. godfather: Adam Studener
326 Zelnava birth 1/154 25.9.1695 25 Baptizatus é Wenceslaus Petri Ilg et Annae uxoris ejus filius legitimus ex Neuoffen. compatrem egit Adam Studener
On 25th baptised Wenzel, legal son of Peter ilg and his wife Anna from Neuhofen. godfather: Adam Studener
326-327 Zelnava marriage 1/120 25.1.1718 25 copulatus est Wenceslaus Ilg, ex Neuofen, cum Agnes filia legitima Viti Stütz, ex pago eodem.
On 25th married Wenzel Ilg from neuhofe, with Agnes, legal daughter of Veit Stütz from the same village
327 Zelnava birth 1/136 16.1.1692 16 January baptizata è Agnes fla legitima viti Stütz inquilini zu Pernökh et Veronikae uxoris suae compatri: egit Jacobus Hörbst Judex.
On January 16th baptised Agnes, legal daughter of Veit Stütz, tenant in Pernek and his wife Veronika. godfather: Jakob Herbst, lawyer.
348 Zelnava birth 1/210 18.9.1707 18 Baptizatus est Matthäus filius legitimus Bartholomaei Jungwirth ex Sallnau, matris vero Mariae.
On 18th baptised Matthäus, legal son of Bartholomäus Jungwirth from Salnau, mother was named Maria
348/* siblings of Mathäus Jungwirth in Zelnava Agnes * 13.01.1710 Gertrud * 15.03.1711 Kunigunde * 02.03.1713 Paul * 29.06.1714 Peter * 29.06.1714 Justina * 25.05.1715 Barbara * 19.01.1717
348-349 Zelnava marriage 2/55 27.6.1741 27 Juny copulatus est Matthias viduus et Pastor in Pargfrid Jungwirth cum virgine post obitum Achaty Ilg ferrary Dmicalio Pargfrid relicta filia.
On June 27th married Mathias, widower and shepard in Parkfried, with virgin daughter of just died Achaz Ilg, smith in Parkfried.
348-1. marriage Zelnava marriage 2/45 26.5.1737 26 Mathias Bartholomaei Jungwirth rusticus hujates legit filius, cum virgine Helena Jacobi Müller in Hindring rusticus legit.
On 26th married Mathias, legal son of Bartholomäus Jungwirth, farmer here, with virgin Magdalena, legal daughter of Jakob Müller in Hintring, farmer
349 Zelnava birth 1/207 20.2.1707 20 baptizata est Eleonora filia legitima Achatiy Ilg von der Neyen Sag bey Neyoffen Matris vero Elisabetha
on 20th baptised Eleonora, legal daughter of Achaz Ilg from the new saw near Neuhofen. mother was named Elisabeth
349/* siblings of Eleonora Ilg in Zelnava Ursula * 09.10.1709 Sophia * 27.04.1713 Simon * 25.10.1716
528 Zelnava death 1/71 26.2.1703 26 omnibus munitus obyit Blasius Kindermacher ex pago Schönau 60 annorum
On 26th died Blasius Kindermacher from village Schönau 60 years of age.
529 Zelnava death 1/80 11.4.1707 11 sepulta est Sara Kindermacherin ex Schenau, aetatis suae 65 annoru.
On 11th died Sara Kindermacher from Schönau, about 65 years old
530-531 Zelnava marriage 1/12 16.2.1667 16 hujus copulatus Simon filius solutus e legtmus Pris Kilianus Spänbaures & Margarethae uxoris amborum p:t: in Ecclesia cum Eva filia legtma & soluta Pris Michaelis Gilgers rusticus in Pargfridt, et Agathae ux: amboru p.t. in hujus.
On 16th married Simon, legal and not married son of Kilian Spanbauer and his wife Margaretha both dead, with Eva legal and not married daughter of Michael Gilg (surely ILG), farmer in Parkfried, and his wife Agatha, both dead and here
534-535 Zelnava marriage 1/16 24.1.1668 24. Hujus Georgius Stürani solutus filius Pris Wenceslai rustici im Spizenberg & Annae ux: Amborum p.t. in Oberplan copulatus fuit, cum sponsa sua Parochiana Agnete filia legtma Mathiae Oischbaurn von der Glashütten ex parochia Oberplanensi, & Ursulae uxoris p.m. defunctae.
On 24th married Georg Stürani, legal and not married son of Wenzel, farmer in Spitzenberg and his wife Anna both dead, married in Oberplan, with virgin Agnes, legal daughter of Mathias Oischbauer from the glashut in parish Oberplan, and his wife Ursula both dead.
540 Zelnava birth 1/5 3.3.1665 3 Huius Baptizatus fuit Gregorius filius legitimus Georgius Pairs rustici in Hindring et Mariae vxoris.
On 3rd baptised Gregor, legal son of Georg Payr, farmer in Hintring, and his wife Maria
540/* siblings of Gregor Payr in Zelnava Valentin * 14.02.1668 Georg * 04.03.1670
540-541 Zelnava marriage 1/74 21.10.1692 21 copulatus fuit Gregoius solutus et flus legitimus Georgius Payr rustici zu Hintring et Mrae Vxoris Suae ambo mortua cum Maria soluta et fla Viti Bloßl pastoris ibidem et Gertrudis uxoris suae ambor. vivor.
On 21nd married Gregor, not married and legal son of Georg Payr, farmer in Hintring, and Maria his wife, both dead, with Maria, legal daughter of Veit Blösl, shepard in the same village, and his wife Gertrud, both still alive
541 Zelnava birth 1/4 26.12.1664 26 huius baptizata é Agnes parentes Vitus Blosl vxor Gertraud patrina Catharina Jungwirth
On 26th baptised Agnes. Parentes Veit Blosl and his wife Gertrud godfather: Katharina Jungwirth
541/* siblings of Maria Blößl in Zelnava Georg * 17.04.1667 Katharina * 05.06.1670 Agnes * 17.01.1673 Benedikt * 21.03.1676
542 Zelnava birth 1/42 16.2.1673 16 hujus baptizatus é Matthias parentes Matthias Meindl uxor Elisabetha patrinus Blasius Wagner
On 16th baptised Mathias parents Mathias Meindl and his wife Elisabeth godfather Blasius Wagner
542/* siblings of Mathias Meindl in Zelnava Maria * 13.04.1675 Katharina * 19.04.1678 Georg * 25.04.1680
542-543 Zelnava marriage 1/93 17.6.1703 17 copulatus é Matthias matthiae Maindel et Elisabethae uxoris eius legitimus filius ex Grünberg cum Vrsula, Marci Gobriel et Apolloniae uxoris eius legitima filia ex Mugrau parochiae Höricensis.
On 17th married Mathias, legal son of mathias Maindl and his wife Elisabeth from Grünberg, with Ursula, legal daughter of Markus Gabriel and his wife Apollonia from Mugrau in parish Höritz
560 Zelnava birth 1/51 18.12.1674 18 Hujus Baptizatus è Adamus filius legitimus Michaelis Jungwirth inquilini in Pargfrit et Elisabethae uxoris suae. compater Michael Stuz.
on 18th baptised Adam, legal daughter of Michael Jungwirth, tenant in Parkfried, and his wife Elisabeth. godfather: Michael Stütz
560-561 Zelnava marriage 1/96 18.1.1705 18 copulatus é Adam Michaelis Jungwirth et Elisabethae uxoris sua filius ex Pargfrid cum Magdalena Sebastiani Zecho et Agathae uxoris suae filia ex Sallnau
On 18th married Adam, legal son of Michael Jungwirth and his wife Elisabeth from Parkfried, with Magdalena, legal daughter of Sebastian Zecho and his wife Agatha from Salnau
561 Zelnava birth 1/66 16.7.1678 Eodem Baptizata é Mgdae Sebastiani Czeko inquilino zu Selnau et Agathae Vxoris suae. compatrem egit Jois Millner
On the same day baptised Magdalena, legal daughter of Sebastian Czeko, tenant from Salnau, and his wife Agatha. godfather: Johann Millner
561/* siblings of Magdalena Czeko/Zecho in Zelnava Georg Zach * 24.03.1671 Mathäus Czeko * 15.09.1674 Adalbert * 03.04.1676 Agnes * 21.01.1681 Maria * 26.03.1683 Franz * 29.01.1688 Luzia Czecho * 10.12.1689
562 Zelnava birth 1/45 29.11.1673 29 hujus Andreas filius legitimus Vrbani Jungwird, Rustici in Schönau et Maria Vxoris Baptizatus é
On 29th baptised Andreas legal son of Urban Jungwirth, farmer in Schönau and his wife Maria.
562-563 Zelnava marriage 1/91 6.11.1702 6 copulatus é Andeas Jungwirth Vrbani Jungwürth et Christinae uxoris ejus defunctae legitimus filius ex Schönau, cum Maria Joannis Puppeter et Magdalenae uxoris ejus amborum inivivis filia legitima ex Sonnberg.
on 6th married Andreas Jungwirth, legal son of Urban Jungwirth and his dead wife Christina from Schönau, with Maria, legal daughter of Johann Puppeter and his wife Magdalena both still alive from Sonnberg
563 Zelnava birth 1/59 7.11.1676 7 Novembris Baptizata é Maria fla legitima Joannes Pupeter Rustici in Sonberg et Mgdlae gingis sua
On November 7th baptised Maria, legal daughter of Johann Pupeter, farmer in Sonnberg, and his wife Magdalena
566 Zelnava birth 1/106 29.12.1686 29 Xbris baptizatus é Thomas flus legitimus Adami Mattschy inquilini zu Schebnau et Mariana uxoris Suae.
On December 29th baptised Thomas, legal son of Adam Mattschy, tenant in Schönau, and his wife Marianna
566-567 Zelnava marriage 1/98 15.11.1705 15 copulatus est Thomas Matschy, legitimus filius Adami Matschy ex Schenau, cum Lucia filia Georgy Gabriel ex Schenau.
On 15th married Thomas Matschy, legal son of Adam Matschy from Schönau, with Luzia, legal daughter of Georg Gabriel from Schönau
567 Zelnava birth 1/90 12.12.1683 12 Xbris Baptizata è Lucia fla legitima Georgy Gabriel pastoris zu Sonberg et N: Vxoris Suae
On December 12th baptised Luzia, legal daughter of Georg Gabriel, shepard in Sonnberg and his wife ___
568 Zelnava birth 1/94 1.11.1684 1 9bris Baptizatus é Leonardus flus legitimus Laurenty Jungwürth Inquilini zu Hintring et Catharinae uxoris suae conpatre egit Blasius Wagner rusticus ibidem
On November 1st baptised Leonhard, legal son of Lorenz Jungwirth, tenant in Hintring, and his wife Katharina. godfather: Blasius Wagner, farmer here.
568-569 Zelnava marriage 1/109 3.5.1711 3 copulatus est Leonardus Jungwirth filius legitimus Laurentiy Jungwirth ex humbaldt, cum virgine Agnete filia legitima Leonardi Kurtz ex Schenau
On 3rd married Leonhard Jungwirth, legal son of Lorenz Jungwirth from Humwald, with virgin Agnes, legal daughter of Leonhard Kurz from Schönau
569 Zelnava birth 1/85 2.1.1683 2 january Baptizatus è Agnes legitimus Leonardi Kurz rustici zu Schönau et Vrsula conjugis suae compatrem legit Michael Mauriz rusticus zu Hintring
On January 2nd baptised Agnes, legal daughter of Leonhard Kurz, farmer in Schönau, and his wife Ursula. godfather: Michael Mauritz, farmer in Hintring
570 Zelnava birth 1/116 22.9.1688 22 7bris Baptizatus é Wenceslaus flus legtmus Adami meindl Inquilini in Grünberg et Agnetis uxoris suae compatrem egit Valentinus Payr rusticus zu Sonberg
In September 22nd baptised Wenzel, legal son of Adam Meindl, tenant in Grünberg, and his wife Agnes. godfather: Valentin Payr, farmer in Sonnberg
570-571 Zelnava marriage 1/106 28.4.1709 28 copulatus est Wenceslaus Meindl, filius legitimus Adami Meindl ex Hindring, cum virgine Gertrude filia legitima valentini Bayr ex pago eodem.
On 28th married Wenzel Meindl, legal son of Adam meindl from Hintring with virgin Gertrud, legal daughter of Valentin Bayr from same village.
571 Zelnava birth 1/102 22.2.1686 Eodem Baptizata è Gertraudis fla legitima Valentini Payr Innquilini zu Sonberg et Agnetis conjugis sua.
On same day baptised Gertrud, legal daughter of Valentin Payr, tenant in Sonnberg, and his wife Agnes.
572 Zelnava birth 1/65 2.2.1678 2 February Baptizatus é Blasius flus legitimus Kilianis Jane rusticus in Salnau et Catharinae uxoris suae compater fuit Philippus Millner rusticus ibidem
On February 2nd baptised Blasius, legal son of Kilian Jane, farmer in Salnau and his wife Katharina. godfather: Philipp Millner, farmer in the same village.
572-573 Zelnava marriage 1/88 18.2.1699 18 February copulatus é Blasius Kiliani Jane et Catharinae uxoris ejus filius legitimus ex pago Salnau cum Maria, Michaelis Fridl venatoris in Sallnau legitima filia
On February 18th married Blasius, legal son of Kilian Jane and his wife Katharina from village Salnau, with Maria, legal daughter of Michael Fridl hunter in Salnau.
573 Zelnava birth 1/29 7.12.1669 7 hujus baptisata è Maria patrina Vrsula Stiffterin parentes Michael Fridl Vxor Elisabetha
On 7th baptised Maria, godfather: Ursula Stifter. parents: Michael Fridl and his wife Elisabeth
574 Zelnava birth 1/97 3.4.1685 3 Aprilis Baptizatus è Adalbertus flus legitimus Matthiae Spanbaur pastoris zu Schönau et Helena Vxoris suae compatrem egit Adamus Saager rusticus ibidem
On April 3rd baptised Adalbert, legal son of Mathias Spanbauer, shepard in Schönau, and his wife Magdalena. godfather: Adam Sager farmer from the same village.
574-575 Zelnava marriage 1/106 28.4.1709 28 copulatus est Alberti Spanbaur, filius legitimus Matthiae Spanbaur ex Humbaldt, cum virgine Eva filia legitima Matthiae Bayr ex pago eodem.
On April 28th married Albert Spanbauer, legal son of Mathias Spanbauer from Humwald, with virgin Eva, legal daughter of Mathias Bayr from the same village
575 Zelnava birth 1/76 22.12.1680 22 Ejusdem Baptizata è Eva fla legitima Mathiae Payr sutoris zu Hintring et Vrsulae vxoris suae compatris egit Ferdinandus Millner rusticus zu Sonberg.
On 22nd baptised Eva, legal daughter of Mathias Payr, shoemaker from Hintring and his wife Ursula. godfather: Ferdinand Millner, farmer in Sonnberg
648-649 Zelnava marriage 1/13 2.5.1667 2 Hujus copulatus fuit Joaes Müllner filius solutus e legtmus Pris Andreae Müllers rusticus et molitoris am Bernegkh & Agathae uxoris amborum p.m. defunctorum cum Christina filia legitima & soluta Michaelius Czilgen rustici am Pargfridt & Agathae uxoris amborum p.t.
On 2nd married Johann Müllner, legal and not married son of Andreas Müller, farmer and miller from Pernek and Agatha his wife, both dead, with Christina, legal and not married daughter of Michael Czilgen, farmer from Perkfried and Agatha his wife, both dead
650-651 Zelnava marriage 1/79 8.5.1695 8 hic die copulatus é casparus Rasko post mortem Adami Rassko et Mariae uxoris ejus etiam defunctae filius legitimus ex pago Pargfridt, cum Maria post mortem Josephi Jungbaur, et Susannae Vxoris ejus ex pago Spizenberg.
On 8th married Kaspar Rasko, legal son of dead Adam Rasko and Maria his wife from village Parkfried, with Maria, legal daughter of dead Josef Jungbauer, and his wife Susanna from village Spitzenberg
652-653 Zelnava marriage 1/67 20.5.1691 Eodem copulatus é Petrus Ilg flius legitimus Aegidi Ihlg inquilini in parkfreith defuncti et Vrsulae vxoris suae mortuae cum Anna soluta et fla legitima Viti Selnauer auß Neuofen et Elisabethae Vxoris suae ambor vives.
On same day married Peter Ilg, legal son of Ägid Ilg, tenant in Parkfried, dead, and Ursula his also dead wife, with Anna, legal and not married daughter of Veit Selnauer from Neuhofen, and Elisabeth his wife, both still alive
654-655 Zelnava marriage 1/48 31.1.1684 31 ejusdem contraxit vitus solutus et flus Stephani Stuz auß nembens zu Pernökh et Elisabethae Vxoris Suae defuncti cum Veronica soluta et fla legitima Viti Schönauer Rustici ibidem et Margarethae uxoris suae amborum in vivis.
On 31st married Veit, legal and not married son of Stephan Stütz from Pernek and Elisabeth his dead wife, with Veronika, legal and not married daughter of Veit Schönauer, farmer here, and Margaretha his wife both still alive.
696-697 609-699 I am sure to find additional ancestors, but didnt have time to do this part.
1084-1085 Zelnava marriage 1/25 3.2.1672 3. hujus copulatus é Juvenis Mathias meindl cum soluta Elisabetha Mauritzin in Salnau in Ecclesia.
on 3rd married Mathias Meindl, with not married Elisabeth Mauritz from Salnau
1120-1121 Zelnava marriage 1/4 6.9.1665 6ta Huius copulatus fuit in Wallern Michael Jungwirth filius solutus et legitmus Patris Matthiae Jungwirth rustici in Pargfridt et Elisabethae vxoris amboru p.t. in vita cum Elisabetha filia soluta & legtma Pris Philippi Salzers p.m. defuncti textoris ex oppido Wallerensi et Evae p.t. in vivis.
On 6th married in Volary Michael Jungwirth, legal and not married son of Mathias Jungwirth, farmer in Parkfried and his wife Elisabeth both still alive, with Elisabeth, legal and not married daughter of Philipp Salzer, dead tailor, from village Wallern, and his wife Eva still alive
1122-1123 Zelnava marriage 1/27 19.11.1673 19 Novembris de praesenti contraxit Sebastianus solutus, et flus legitimus Andreae Czeko Rustici in Salnau et Agathae uxoris suae ambor. in vivis, cum Agatha soluta et fla legitima Wolffgangi Herbst, in Selnau ludirectoris et Margarethae Vxoris suae defunctae.
On November 19th married Sebastian, legal and not married son of Andreas Czeko, farmer in Salnau, and his wife Agatha, both alive, with Agatha, legal and not married daughter of Wolfgang Herbst, teacher in Salnau and his wife Margaretha, dead.
1132-1133 Zelnava marriage 1/47 19.1.1684 19 Ejusdem contraxit Adamus solutus et flus legitimus Michaelis Mattschy inquilinus zu Schönau et Vrsula uxoris suae amboru vivorum cum Marianna soluta et fla legitima Nicolai Jungwürth inquilini in Schneedorff et Mra Vxoris suae iam mortua
on 19th married Adam, not married and legal son of Michael Mattschy, tenant in Schönau, and his wife Ursula, both still alive, with Maria Anna, not married and legal daughter of Nikolaus Jungwirth, tenant in Schneedorf, and his wife Maria, dead
1134-1135 Zelnava marriage 1/37 7.11.1680 7 eiusdem contraxit matrimonium Georgius solutus et flus legitimus Simonis Gabriel pastoris mortui zu Sonberg et Catharinae Vxoris suae cum Susanna soluta et fla Christophori Jungwirth rustici ibidem et Mrae vxoris sua.
On 7th married Georg, not married and legal son of Simon Gabriel, shepard dead in Sonnberg, and Katharina his wife, with Susanna, not married and legal daughter of Christoph Jungwirth, farmer here, and his wife Maria
1136-1137 Zelnava marriage 1/37 26.11.1680 26 Laurentius solutus et flus legtimus Philippi Jungwirth rustici zu Hintring iam defuncti et Catharinae uxoris suae adhuc in vivis cum Catharina soluta et fla legitima Sebastiani Eßl Außnembers ibidem et Evae vxoris suae amboru in vivis.
On 26th married Lorenz, not married and legal son of Philipp Jungwirth, farmer in Hintring, dead, and Katharina his wife, still alive, with Katharina, not married and legal daughter of Sebastian Eßl, oldfarmer in the same village, and his wife Eva, both still alive
1138-1139 Zelnava marriage 1/31 26.1.1677 26 January copulatus è Leonardus Kurz viduus, cum Vrsula soluta et fla legitima Pauli Polsterer Rustici in Schönau et Mra conjuges suae amboru in vivis.
On January 26th married Leonhard Kurz, widower, with Ursula, not married and legal daughter of Paul Polsterer, farmer in Schönau, and Maria his wife, both still alive
1138-1. marriage Zelnava marriage 1/8 2.3.1666 2 Hujus contraxit Leonhardus filius legitimus & solutus Joannis Kurzen rustici in Schönau & Reginae uxoris amborum p.t. in vivis cum Martha filia legitima & solutua Casparus Haidlingerin rustici in Pargfridt et Agathae uxoris amborum p.t. in vita.
On 2nd married Leonhard, legal and unmarried son of Johann Kurz, farmer in Schönau and his wife Regina, both still alive, with Martha, legal and not married daughter of Kaspar Haidlinger, farmer in Parkfried and his wife Agatha, both still alive
1140-1141 Zelnava marriage 1/57 17.11.1687 17 ejusdem mensis copulatus fuit Adamus Meindl solutus et flus Mathiae Meindl Außnembers zu Hintring mortui et Margarethae conjugis suae adhuc in vivis cum Agnes vidua post mortem Vrbani Seidl Inquilini zu Sonberg
On 17th, same month, married Adam Meindl, not married and legal son of Mathias Meindl, oldfarmer in Hintring, dead, and Margaretha his still alive wife, with Agnes, widow of dead Urban Seidl, tenant in Sonnberg
1142-1143 Zelnava marriage 1/45 10.1.1683 10 Januarius copulatus fuit Valentinus solutus et flus legitimus Ambrosi Payr inquilini zu Sonberg defuncti et Woldpurgae uxoris suae adhuc in vivis cum Agnete soluta et fla Melchioris Ihlg inquilinus im Pargfrith et Annae vxoris suae amborum mortuori.
On January 10th married Valentin, legal and not married son of Ambrosius Payr, tenant in Sonnberg, dead, and his wife Walpurga still alive, with Agnes, not married and legal daughter of melchior Ilg, tenant in Parkfried, and Anna his wife, both dead.
1148-1149 Zelnava marriage 1/9 18.7.1666 18 Hujus Mathäus filius solutus & legtmus Patris Kiliani Spanbaures rustici zu Schönau et Margarethae amboru p.t. in vivis cum Helena filia soluta et legtma Georgy Sauhars hierttens zue Sonberg, et Ludmillae uxoris amborum viventis.
On 18th Mathäus, legal and not married son of Kilian Spanbauer, farmer in Schönau, and his wife Margaretha, both still alive, with Magdalena, legal and not married daughter of Georg Sauhar, shepard from Sonnberg, and Ludmilla his wife, both still alive.