SCHLORHAUFER The Schlorhaufer's are from Hirschbergen, Bohemia. They lived in house #3 and #23. Descendents of Michael Schlorhaufer Theresia, daughter of Paul Schlorhaufer and Maria Anna Schinko, married Raymond Winkelbauer, in Bohemia. Zelnava marriage 14/135 11.8.1857 Am 11ten August 1857 Hirschberg
Nro. 17/3 On
August 11th, 1857 Hirschberg
17 and Hirschberg 3 Birth of Theresia Schlorhaufer Zelnava birth 6/149 13.10.1826 Hirschberg N: 20 *
Theresia Hirschberg
20 *
Theresia We
will see, that the surname of the mother of the mother is wrong and not Sister of Theresia Schlorhaufer in Zelnava Maria Anna * 15.01.1824 Birth of Paul Schlorhaufer Zelnava birth 5/27 21.6.1802 Den 21 Junii Hirschbergen Hirschbergen known siblings of Paul Schlarhaufer in Zelnava Mathias
* 13.09.1795
Marriage of Paul Schlarhaufer Zelnava marriage 14/13 4.2.1823 am 4 Februar Hirschberg
N: 20 February 4th Hirschberg
20 Anton
Schinko, the father of Maria Jungwirth, married 5 months after the birth
----- Original Message -----
From: Daphne
To: Flaggs
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 4:30 PM
Subject: Schlorhaufer greetings from Tyrol
Hello Thank you for your quick answer and for the family tree of your paternal side. At first we (my wife Daphne and I, Daniel) want to answer your questions as far it is possible. We don't think that there exists a historical map of Hirschbergen because it really was a small village or hamlet. Walter Schlorhaufer, Daniel's father, was born in 1920 and he spent his holidays in Hirschbergen Nr.22 in his grandfathers house when he was a child. His grandfather was Joseph Schlorhaufer ( born 1853 in Hirschbergen Nr.22) who was a son of Paul Schlorhaufer (born 21.6.1802, died 8.10.1882 Hirschbergen Nr.22 ) and his second wife Katharina Reiter. There exists a photo of the house Nr. 22 with a part of the Schlorhaufer family. Walter owns a few more photos. The houses number 22 and 3 are one and the same because of the "Josephinischen Kataster" 1785 – 1789. Joseph II wanted to reorganize the tax system for landed property. At this time the houses were renumbered. Hirschbergen nr. 3, where Michael Schlorhaufer was a smallfarmer, became nr.22. as far the records tell us (Birth, marriage and death documents which were made in 1938 when everybody had to proof his descent) We think both names - Hirschberg and Hirschbergen – are right. We also have records for both ways. Perhaps Hirschberg means more the hamlet and Hirschbergen includes the surrounding hills and woods. We will ask Walter Schlorhaufer if he knows something about the meaning and about the Winkelbauers . We are sorry, but we don`t have a chronicle of Hirschbergen. During our researches we have got into contact with Schlorhaufers in the U.S. whose ancestors also emigrated from Hirschbergen and found a new home in St. Paul Mn. Eight Schlorhaufers landed 1884 in New York together with Joseph Winkelbauer who must have been a close relative of them as we know from your family tree. Do you know more about the brother of Therese Schlorhaufer who should have lived in St.Paul Mn. ? We still have a few missing links. It is very interesting that all living Schlorhaufers are related and that all lines end in Michael Schlorhaufer and Katharina Pendel(in) of whom we know very little, not even the exact meaning of the name. Do you know more about? X-mass is a very busy time for us, so it will take a time to put all our datas into the PC (familiy tree and photos) – be patient We`ll keep in touch Daniel and Daphne